Elevating Leadership Presence  

  • Executive Presence 
  • Mindset
  • Personal Branding
Partnering globally to develop talent through leadership development workshops rooted in research and behavioral science.
Speaker Info & Services

Clients we've served...

  • Trusted by global brands
  • Global leadership speaker & workshop facilitator 
  • Average speaker engagement rating: 4.91/5
  • Trained to boost performance and shift behavior 
  • LinkedIn Top Voice & LinkedIn Learning Instructor
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Is your talent ready to enhance their presence and drive results?

With over a decade of international experience in executive visibility campaigns for CEOs and senior leaders at some of the world’s largest companies, we bring unparalleled expertise to your team. 

Our high-energy leadership development workshops are insightful, captivating, and actionable. Transformative results explicitly tailored for:

  • Women’s Leadership: Boost workplace confidence, influence, and impact.
  • Underrepresented Talent: Elevate and articulate unique perspectives.
  • High Potential Employees: Enhance visibility at work with key decision-makers.
  • Senior Managers: Executive confidence training to secure team buy-in.
  • CEOs and Thought Leaders: Cement their industry status as the go-to expert.

Marielle’s goal is simple:

To equip your audience with actionable tools, unwavering confidence, and the power to move themselves forward.

How We Can Work Together

Keynote Speaker

This engaging, reflection-driven leadership development talk offers science-backed insights essential for career advancement. Participants will gain a clear, in-depth understanding from this 45-60 minute session, leaving with actionable knowledge.

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Workshop Facilitator

Revitalize your team with science-backed tools to advance your organization. In this hands-on session, talent will learn to implement crucial leadership presence skills over 90-120 minutes, enhancing visibility and impact in their professional roles.

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Equip team leaders with leadership and visibility at work strategies, empowering them to train others effectively. Participants will leave equipped with the tools to enhance their executive presence and personal brands for career mastery.

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LinkedIn Learning

Get complimentary access to Marielle's popular LinkedIn Learning courses. These courses tap into your core strengths to create more impact and influence or refine your social skills in the workplace. Each course is less than 45 minutes.

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Client Case Study:

Elevating Leaders at LinkedIn

with Personal Branding Workshops


Client Case Study:


Elevating Leadership Development at LinkedIn through Personal Branding Workshops

Workshop Feedback

Great working with you, Marielle!
You are such an awesome facilitator. Thanks for the incredible energy and inspiration.

- Amanda G, Program Manager at LinkedIn

"Great working with you, Marielle!
You are such an awesome facilitator. Thanks for the incredible energy and inspiration."

- Amanda G, Program Manager at LinkedIn

Speaking Highlights


Personal Branding Workshop, LinkedIn's London HQ

Leadership Development Workshop,
New York

Marielle's 5Ps framework

What Clients are Saying

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About Marielle Legair
My Story
Podcast Appearances
Client Press

