My Story
Hi, I'm Marielle
(pronounced Marry-elle).
Personal Branding Keynote Speaker. Trainer. Publicist and Author.
This page is a little more personal than the rest of the site.
I love the work I’ve been put on this earth to do.
But it wasn’t always this way.
For a long time, I felt stuck because I was playing it safe.
Almost as if I was living someone else’s life.
That’s because I was.
I’d conformed to society’s exceptions:
Get a job. Work ALL the hours. Repeat. Retire.
That’s not my movie.
I decided to create my own rules…
Here’s my journey…

My Journey

Early Career - I Learned to Shrink From Early
I never fit in. Born to immigrant parents in a working-class Nottinghamshire town, I was told from an early age to “Put your head down and work hard.” This well-meaning advice didn’t serve me well. Thinking my work would speak for itself, I didn’t speak up or promote my work early in my career.
2010 - Quarter Life Crisis in Rio
Feeling like my life was stuck on autopilot and needing a big change, I quit my 9-to-5 and booked a solo trip to Rio, Brazil. Six weeks of self-discovery were bliss. For the first time ever, I stepped far outside of my comfort zone in a major way and never looked back!
2012 - My American Dream
Two years after Brazil, I had itchy feet. I fell in love with the pace and energy of New York City. I had to live there! Friends thought I was mad. In a few short months, I was flown on an all-expenses-paid trip to relocate to New York from London. I didn’t know anyone there, but I was excited! I thought I’d be the black Carrie Bradshaw from Sex and the City. My American dream - a high-powered corporate job in midtown Manhattan had come true! Or so I thought. I felt deeply isolated and unfilled. I was meant for so much more than the busy, fast-paced corporate life I was living.
2015 - Self Discovery
While working in my 9-to-5, I invested $300 in my first career coach. She helped me uncover my core values and motivations. I discovered something I’d been suppressing: I'm an entrepreneur. A fire was lit inside of me. I plotted my exit by taking every course and speaking class available to me, building my brand the way I had for the CEOs and senior leaders I’d worked with. Yale University and New York University invited me to speak; and opportunities began to come my way.
2016 - Lost My Job, Found Myself.
I remember it like it was yesterday. Being laid off was a huge blessing. I was free to take time out and dig deep into my life’s purpose. The low points finally began to make sense; they were preparing me for the work I do today. I decided to turn my mess into a message to help other women.
2017-2020 - Launched Women Who Influence
I wrote The Personal Brand Bible For Ambitious Women, which opened up many exciting new opportunities. I created the Women Who Influence brand, following the coaching model many others advised me to create. Lead magnets, endless webinars, a membership programme - you name it, I tried it! But it still didn’t feel quite aligned. Then in a matter of minutes, at the end of 2020, I lost everything when my website with five years of work was deleted. Looking back, it was clearing the way for something bigger.
2021 - Alignment
I invested in an incredible coach to dig deep into my childhood traumas, limiting stories and experiences that had been keeping me safe and small. Having the courage to do the deep inner work is the biggest gift I could give myself. I had to make space in order to thrive fully.
2022 - Become a LinkedIn Learning Instructor
Almost by magic, I attracted a huge partnership deal with Linkedin Learning to create a course for millions of people globally, which launched in January 2022.
2023 - Became a LinkedIn Top Voice
In recognition of my career development work, I was interviewed for LinkedIn's Get Hired podcast at the Empire State Building in NYC and was made a LinkedIn Top Voice 2023.
2024 - Launched my YouTube channel
As a way to share my knowledge in long-form. I launched my YouTube channel focused on personal branding, self-leadership and wellbeing.

Fun Stuff
Personality Type - INFP: The Mediator (Introverted, Intuitive, Feeling, Perceiving) institutive, creative, empathetic.
“They have a whimsical way about them, which often comes along with an excellent sense of humour..” <<< Yes!
Star Sign: Taurus Sun, Pisces Rising, Gemini Moon
Favourite quote: “We can choose courage, or we can choose comfort, but we can't have both.” - Brene Brown
Fave colour: Emerald green
Holiday destination: Sicily
Food: Escovitch Fish
Random fact: I once auditioned as a dancer for a music video and got the part!

Hi, I'm Marielle
(pronounced Marry-elle).
Personal Branding Keynote Speaker. Trainer. Publicist and Author.

This page is a little more personal than the rest of the site.
I love the work I’ve been put on this earth to do.
But it wasn’t always this way.
For a long time, I felt stuck because I was playing it safe.
Almost as if I was living someone else’s life.
That’s because I was.
I’d conformed to society’s exceptions:
Get a job. Work ALL the hours. Repeat. Retire.
That’s not my movie.
I decided to create my own rules…
Here’s my journey…

Early Career - I Learnt To Shrink From Early
I never fit in. Born to immigrant parents in a working class Nottinghamshire town. I was told: “Put your head down and work hard,” from an early age. This well-meaning advice, didn’t serve me well. By thinking my work would speak for itself, I didn’t speak up or promote my work early in my career.
2010 - Quarter Life Crisis in Rio
Feeling like my life was stuck on autopilot and in need of a big change, I quit my 9-to-5 and booked a solo trip to Rio, Brazil. Six weeks of self discovery was bliss. For the first time ever, I stepped far outside of my comfort zone in a *major* way and never looked back!
2012 - My American Dream
Two years after Brazil, I had itchy feet. I fell in love with the pace and energy of New York City. I had to live there! Friends thought I was mad. In a few short months, I was flown out on an all-expenses-paid trip to relocate to New York from London. I didn’t know anyone there but I was excited! I thought I’d be the black Carrie Bradshaw from Sex and the City. My American dream - a high-powered corporate job in midtown Manhattan had come true! Or so I thought. I felt deeply isolated and unfilled. I was meant for so much more than the busy, fast-paced corporate life I was living.
2015 - Self Discovery
While working in my 9-to-5, I invested $300 in my first career coach. She helped me uncover my core values and motivations. I discovered something I’d been suppressing: I'm an entrepreneur at heart. A fire was lit inside of me. I plotted my exit by taking every course and speaking class available to me, building my brand the way I had for the CEOs and senior leaders I’d worked with. Yale University and New York University invited me to speak, opportunities began to come my way.
2016 - Lost My Job, Found Myself.
I remember it like it was yesterday, being laid off was a huge blessing. I was free to take time out and dig deep into my life’s purpose. The low points finally began to make sense, they were preparing me for the work I do today. I decided to turn my mess into a message to help other women.
2017-2020 - Launched Women Who Influence
I wrote The Personal Brand Bible For Ambitious Women - which opened up many new exciting opportunities. I created the Women Who Influence brand, following the coaching model that many others advised me to create. Lead magnets, endless webinars, a membership programme - you name it, I tried it! But it still didn’t feel quite aligned. Then in a matter of minutes at the end of 2020, I lost everything when my website with five years’ of work was deleted. Looking back it was clearing the way, for something bigger.
2021 - Alignment
I invested in an incredible coach to dig deep into my childhood traumas, limiting stories and experiences that had been keeping me safe and small. Having the courage to do the deep inner work, is the biggest gift I could give myself. I had to make space in order to fully thrive.
2022 (Loading) - Global Deal
Almost by magic, I attracted a huge partnership deal to create a course for millions of people globally launching in Q1 2022.
Watch this space!

Personality Type - INFP:
The Mediator (Introverted, Intuitive, Feeling, Perceiving) institutive, creative, empathetic.
“They have a whimsical way about them, which often comes along with an excellent sense of humour..” <<< Yes!
Star Sign:
Taurus Sun, Pisces Rising, Gemini Moon
Favourite quote:
“We can choose courage, or we can choose comfort, but we can't have both.” - Brene Brown
Fave colour:
Emerald green
Holiday destination: Sicily
Escovitch Fish
Random fact:
I once auditioned as a dancer for a music video and got the part!